TUMA TUKIO LOLOTE KATIKA MAIL/ salimmore@yahoo.com au WHATSAPP NO: +255712222244
Hii ni video mpya aliyoahidi DAYNA NYANGE kwa mashabiki wake kuwa itatoka mwanzoni mwa mwezi wa 8 kaikamilisha ahadi na sasa ipo tayari,wimbo unaitwa I DO ndani ya wimbo utamchek Ammy Nando ambaye alikua mshiriki wa Big Brother Africa 2013.
Tumezoea kuona video nyingi za kibongo kukosa maelezo ya kina kuhusu maandalizi ya video zao, lakini Dayna kwa mara yakwanza kabisa katika historia ya mziki wetu ameweka maelezo yote ya utayarishaji wa video hiyo
DAYNA NYANGE performing I DO. The story follows a series of happy moments of the two love birds, a good looking man, former Big Brother Africa (BBA) 2013 Contestant, AMMY NANDO who plays as East African Queen's (DAYNA NYANGE) boyfriend. Dayna declares her true feelings for Nando. She is ready to love him and do anything for him to the rest of her life no matter what. Nando feels the same for Dayna and appreciate his true love to the extent that he put a ring on her finger.
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light)

Tumezoea kuona video nyingi za kibongo kukosa maelezo ya kina kuhusu maandalizi ya video zao, lakini Dayna kwa mara yakwanza kabisa katika historia ya mziki wetu ameweka maelezo yote ya utayarishaji wa video hiyo

DAYNA NYANGE performing I DO. The story follows a series of happy moments of the two love birds, a good looking man, former Big Brother Africa (BBA) 2013 Contestant, AMMY NANDO who plays as East African Queen's (DAYNA NYANGE) boyfriend. Dayna declares her true feelings for Nando. She is ready to love him and do anything for him to the rest of her life no matter what. Nando feels the same for Dayna and appreciate his true love to the extent that he put a ring on her finger.
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light)
DAYNA NYANGE performing I DO. The story follows a series of happy moments of the two love birds, a good looking man, former Big Brother Africa (BBA) 2013 Contestant, AMMY NANDO who plays as East African Queen's (DAYNA NYANGE) boyfriend. Dayna declares her true feelings for Nando. She is ready to love him and do anything for him to the rest of her life no matter what. Nando feels the same for Dayna and appreciate his true love to the extent that he put a ring on her finger.
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light) - See more at: http://ubalozini.blogspot.com/2014/08/video-ya-dayna-nyange-ido-ni-video-ya.html#sthash.b0upq2uX.dpuf
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light) - See more at: http://ubalozini.blogspot.com/2014/08/video-ya-dayna-nyange-ido-ni-video-ya.html#sthash.b0upq2uX.dpuf
DAYNA NYANGE performing I DO. The story follows a series of happy moments of the two love birds, a good looking man, former Big Brother Africa (BBA) 2013 Contestant, AMMY NANDO who plays as East African Queen's (DAYNA NYANGE) boyfriend. Dayna declares her true feelings for Nando. She is ready to love him and do anything for him to the rest of her life no matter what. Nando feels the same for Dayna and appreciate his true love to the extent that he put a ring on her finger.
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light) - See more at: http://ubalozini.blogspot.com/2014/08/video-ya-dayna-nyange-ido-ni-video-ya.html#sthash.b0upq2uX.dpuf
The dance follows the song's spirit. The very happy Dayna joins the dancers in the street when she is passing by with Nando. Nando enjoys her dancing.
Audio was produced by TRISS of CONGA Music.
Video was produced by KWETU STUDIOS. It was shot in the city centre of Dar es Salaam (Morogoro Road), Coco Beach and indoors at JB Bellmont, Dar es Salaam. The crew consisted of Msafiri Shabani (Director/Editor), Freddy Feruzi (Creative Director/Editor), Eric Mlindima (Assistant Director), Michael Atilio (Light) - See more at: http://ubalozini.blogspot.com/2014/08/video-ya-dayna-nyange-ido-ni-video-ya.html#sthash.b0upq2uX.dpuf